What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

I’ve had so many different experiences in life it’s difficult to narrow down and say “this one made me grow.”

The daily question: what experiences have helped you grow the most

We all face challenges. We all face difficult circumstances. Yet, why does it need to be the negative that causes us to grow?

Maybe it’s because failure teaches us the most important lessons in life. But the world teaches us that failure is bad, it needs to be avoided, and that if we fail we’re done.

In my life I’ve learned to embrace failure. Not because I want to fail, but because I’ve learned that failure more than anything helps me grow.

My biggest failure was when I failed out of high school. While all my other friends were heading off to college, I was stuck trying to take a couple of correspondence courses just to get my last two credits in order to graduate.

What I learned here is that one failure doesn’t set you on a predetermined course. Failures can often, more times than many, be the thing that pushes you to keep going .

What about you? What experiences have helped you grow in your life?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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