How Not To Suck

There are a lot of areas in my life where my skills are somewhat subpar- Like Cooking, weeding the yard, hunting, and even organizing the house. Let’s face it: nobody wakes up and aspires to be bad at something. But we’ve all been there. But here is a secret. If you’re going to do something you’re not skilled at the best, you might as well aim for zero… or at least something better than bad. Because, after all, the second-best thing to zero is, you guessed it, something better than bad!

If you’ve ever burned toast so thoroughly that it resembled a charcoal sketch or danced like no one was watching (because they all left the room), then congratulations, you’re on the right track to not sucking!

You don’t have to be great; you just have to be better than bad. Celebrate those small victories! Because if we’re honest, it’s during those times when growth and improvement happen.

Mid-Week Rant: I Don’t Have to Enjoy What You Enjoy

Listen, I’m about to go on a Mid-week Rant: I don’t have to enjoy what you enjoy. And no, it’s about my friend Jason Joyner continuing to send me memes of Boise State beating the Sooners in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. That’s a different rant for a different day.

photo of the road
Photo by D0N MIL04K on

As an author, I’ve had my share of bad reviews. Heck, I’ve had many people, not like Iggy & Oz. Most of these are adults and/or other writers. They often leave an adult critique for a book that is basically Pulp for boys who hate to read. And guess what- Their criticism is mostly true. It ain’t literature, after all. It’s not pretty writing. 

Still, many people love Iggy & Oz, and that’s who I write for.

I had to learn this the hard way. I had to learn many of the things I enjoy in my life, other people will think is strange.  

Listen, every story, YouTube video, RPG, drawing, TikTok, painting, camping trip, vacation, IG post, reel, and even-prepped food, needs to be seasoned with your voice, heart, and difference. 

We live in a society that pushes generic living and removes the individualistic nature of many. 

Seth Godin is one of my go-to Bloggers every day. He wrote this recently.

Most people want you to make something cheap, write something short, share something funny, and fit in.

But the people you serve… they might want something else.

The few people you need to thrive in your work might want you to write something they’ll remember for a long time, or to take them on a journey that’s thrilling and challenging and unique.

Or perhaps these are the people that want to buy something that costs a lot but is worth more than it costs.

It’s okay to say, “it’s not for you,” to most people.

In fact, that’s the only way to do work that matters. 

This is my Mid-Week Rant: I Don’t Have to Enjoy What You Enjoy