Mondays Stink!!!

Ah, Mondays. The day of the week that nobody looks forward to. The day when the weekend is over and the workweek begins. The day when coffee is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Yes, Mondays stink. And if you’re anything like me, you probably feel like you need an IV drip of coffee just to get through the day- To quote Lorelai Gilmore.

happy coffee
Photo by Kaboompics .com on

But why do Mondays have to be so terrible? Maybe it’s because we’ve spent the last two days living it up, and now we’re paying the price. Or maybe it’s because Mondays are just inherently cursed. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Mondays are the worst.

For starters, getting out of bed on a Monday morning is an uphill battle. You’re groggy, disoriented, and you’ve probably hit the snooze button on your alarm at least five times. And when you finally do manage to drag yourself out of bed, you’re hit with the realization that you have an entire week of work ahead of you. Ugh.

Then there’s the commute. Whether you’re driving or taking public transportation, Mondays always seem to bring out the worst in people. Drivers are more aggressive, commuters are more irritable, and everyone seems to be in a rush to get to their jobs. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll spend the entire commute fantasizing about all the different ways you could quit your job and become a professional trout bum.

But let’s not forget about the actual work. Mondays are usually filled with meetings, emails, and catching up on everything you missed over the weekend. And even if you managed to get some work done over the weekend, it’s never enough. You’re always playing catch-up on Mondays, and it feels like you’re constantly behind.

And then there’s the coffee. Oh, the coffee. Without it, Mondays would be even more unbearable. But even with it, Mondays still suck. You’re constantly refilling your mug, trying to stay awake and alert, and praying that the caffeine kicks in soon. And if you’re really desperate, you might start fantasizing about that Gilmore IV drip of coffee we mentioned earlier.

But hey, it’s not all bad. Mondays can be a great excuse to procrastinate. You know you should be working, but instead, you’re scrolling through social media, watching funny cat videos, and reading blogs about how much Mondays suck. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find some inspiration for your next meme or TikTok video.

And let’s not forget about the silver lining. Once you make it through Monday, the rest of the week will be a breeze. Well, maybe not a breeze, but at least it won’t be Monday. (Unless you’re like I was like week and have a week of Mondays.) And before you know it, the weekend will be here again, and you’ll have two whole days to do absolutely nothing.

So there you have it. Mondays suck, but they don’t have to be the end of the world. Embrace the coffee, procrastinate a little (or a lot), and remember that the rest of the week is just around the corner. And who knows, maybe someday we’ll all have access to that IV drip of coffee we’ve been dreaming of. Until then, let’s just try to survive Mondays one week at a time.

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

The Daily question
person holding white chalk
Photo by NEOSiAM 2021 on

There are several things I know I could live without. Heck, I would venture to say there are some things I even “Say” I could live without. However, I also know I’ll miss certain items as soon as I discard something.

Take my smartphone, for example. I hate how addicted I find myself to it. I’m not too fond of the fact that we all have this feeling of missing out if we’re not all connected. But could I live without it? Sure, as long as everyone else is as well. It could be FOMO or something else. Does it matter?

But let’s get more practical. Let’s stay away from things like social media and smartphones. We all say we don’t want to be connected to them, but is that the truth? Could we live without them?

Here are my three objects/items I couldn’t live without.

One: I couldn’t live without books. I love books. I love reading. It’s always been my favorite hobby and pastime. If I couldn’t have a book, I would most likely go a little crazy.

Two: I couldn’t live without my coffee maker or some coffee maker. I need a way to make coffee. It doesn’t matter if it’s a french press, Aeropress, or a regular cheap coffee maker. If the apocalypse or WWIII started today, I would have coffee. That would be the first thing I panicked bought.

Three: The most important on this list: A Bible. I try hard every day to wake up and live by faith. I fail most days, as we all do. But God’s word gets me through my failures and sin and strengthens my walk with Him daily.

So there you have it. Three objects I couldn’t live without. What about you? What would be on your list? Let’s say the world started ending today. What are the three items you would grab to be sure to have with you during the apocalypse?

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

I’ve had so many different experiences in life it’s difficult to narrow down and say “this one made me grow.”

The daily question: what experiences have helped you grow the most

We all face challenges. We all face difficult circumstances. Yet, why does it need to be the negative that causes us to grow?

Maybe it’s because failure teaches us the most important lessons in life. But the world teaches us that failure is bad, it needs to be avoided, and that if we fail we’re done.

In my life I’ve learned to embrace failure. Not because I want to fail, but because I’ve learned that failure more than anything helps me grow.

My biggest failure was when I failed out of high school. While all my other friends were heading off to college, I was stuck trying to take a couple of correspondence courses just to get my last two credits in order to graduate.

What I learned here is that one failure doesn’t set you on a predetermined course. Failures can often, more times than many, be the thing that pushes you to keep going .

What about you? What experiences have helped you grow in your life?

Smoking Cheese- A New Hobby

Recently my wife has been experimenting with charcuterie boards and making snack trays for birthdays or when we have friends over. One thing I’ve always enjoyed is Smoked Cheese and crackers. So, I’ve decided to attempt smoking cheese- a new hobby. Or, a disaster, it’s yet to be determined

Smoking cheese- a new hobby

The first batch seems to of turned out well. I did three types of cheese. Colby jack, Sharp Cheddar, and a White Sharp Cheddar. I wanted to do some Gouda but they didn’t have any blocks.

The method was simple. Find a large disposal aluminum tray and fill it with ice.

Next place the cheese on either toothpicks or a small wire rack, and place it in a smaller tray. A tray that will fit nicely into the larger iced tray.

Smoke on a low heat at around 150 to 200. After one hour, flip the cheese, add some more ice if necessary, and smoke for another hour.

Last, wrap the cheese in parchment paper and place in the fridge for at least 48 hours.

Simple method, and probably the cheapest thing I’ve ever smoked.

So smoking cheese- A new hobby? Most likely.

The Daily Question

Do you believe in fate/destiny?

Do you believe in Fate / Destiny? That’s the daily question for today. It sort of requiresone to believe in a predetermined sequence of events.

Do you believe in fate / destiny

To be honest I sort of hate this idea. Yes, I believe in God, and go to church, and believe He has a plan for my life. But I think I have the freedom to choose to go a different direction. He knows what I’ll choose too.

So, yes, no, it’s tough to answer. On one hand I want to say no. On the other hand my faith persuades me to say yes.

The important thing to remember is to always live your story. We get in this bad habit of letting the world define us. We let the world tell who we are, how we should live, and what we should do.

Regardless, if we believe in fate, destiny, or whatever, we must remember to live life as the hero of our own stories.

That means being the best version of ourselves for everyone