I waited in line for forty-five min for a soda

I waited in line for forty-five min for a soda this week. I know, saying that makes me sound crazy, and I’ll admit, my annoyance and impatience got the best of me when I first pulled in. 

Swig Soda

I may have uttered words like- 

“Stupid Edmond drivers!” 

“Look at these idiots!” 

“This place is mismanaged!” 

“These suburban families and their trendy soda!”

Yeah- I know. I got issues! 

Yet, here I was doing the same thing I was complaining about. Eventually, I settled in and enjoyed waiting with the family for a soda. We joked about how long it was taking and even started timing how long it took a car to get through the window once they pulled forward. It was good fun and gave the kiddos something to focus on and joke about with us.

Swig is just a drive-through soda shop. Like a Starbucks or Dutch Brothers, but with Soda. There isn’t anything spectacular about the soda. I could go down to Sonic and get them to fix the same drink, which would taste about the same. But something is fascinating about trying something new and different. Maybe it’s FOMO. I’m not sure, and I wish I could say. 

The kids enjoy it, and it’s something to do on a Sunday afternoon when we’re all bored and resting up to prepare for the next week ahead. 

I like to get in, out, and back home. I tend to get anxious and overwhelmed and often need to remember to stop and enjoy the moment. I hate waiting. And I often find myself cursing under my breath at the driver in front of me who doesn’t already know their order when they pull up to a drive-thru speaker.

What can I say? Again, I got issues!

I waited in line for forty-five min for a soda yesterday. I got the Buttery Beer! It was a large Root Beer with Butterscotch and Vanilla Crème! And it was awesome!

I Want to Quit Writing

I wake up before the house stirs. The superintendent sends a text saying, “School is canceled for ice.” This is the third day. The cat darts past me to the back door, where he paws until I let him outside. I fix my coffee and scroll through social media while I wait for my only drug of choice to brew. I’m not too fond of the habit and wish I could break it. I’m speaking of checking social media first thing in the morning, not my coffee. I see a post from an author friend in a writer’s group, “I want to Quit Writing. Please talk me out of it.” I identify with this statement. I’ve said the same thing. 

I want to quit writing

I have a few words bouncing around in my head. Words of encouragement others have shared with me. Sometimes these words help, and sometimes they seem good. Sometimes they sting. 

The coffee still brews, but the smell alone is waking me up. I open my notes and write a line that doesn’t feel right. What came out on the screen was not as good as what was in my head. That happens from time to time. The coffee has finished. I drink a cup and head to the shower, where I think on it some more. 

Today, I’ll blog about wanting to quit writing. I will make it simple and honest. The truth is there is nothing simple about the work we do. It’s frustrating and painful. At times it feels pointless. However, it is honest. Writing makes us confront most truths, all but one, and that’s the truth most writers prefer to avoid. It is that the industry is not always right, nor is it fair. 

Most writers feel they won’t measure up. Insecurity sits perched upon our shoulders like a blasted tumor we can’t eradicate. Before too long, we realize we compete with an oversaturated market, algorithms, and other endless amounts of noise. We ask ourselves a thousand questions… 

“No one cares about my stories.”

“No one is going to buy my book and read this.”

“Maybe I’m wasting my time.”

“Maybe I’m too old to get a book deal.”

“I should give up. I wasted so much of my time and money.”

Yet, amid these questions, a story still lingers, calling to us from the fog, urging us to sit and write it. 

I’ve learned a few truths after struggling with anxiety over the past year. Publishing is often tricky. Competition is often unfair. Social Media is sometimes abusive. And when we measure our self-worth as authors by a lack of success in these three areas, we begin to think that maybe, we won’t make it. 

I’ve said these things. I have quit and walked away. But here is the last truth I have learned and why I return every time. And I’ll leave you with this: 

Writing brings me joy. What about you? 

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Simple Coffee

Some days I wonder if I’m getting old. I once enjoyed my coffee, all fixed up with different types of foam, syrup, and creamers. You know, the ones with those fancy names made by baristas I’m not cool enough to run in circles with. These days I much prefer a simple coffee, one that feels a little less chaotic.

Simple Coffee

I’ve discovered it has a much better and more refined taste when dumbed down. Even my coffee mugs seem simple. I now prefer an old plain diner mug to the one loaded with words and crazy graphics.

Maybe I’m getting boring.

Maybe I’m just a little reminiscent or enjoy specific memories. Like those of my grandmother sitting at a kitchen table with her Bible opened and a mug of coffee, adding nothing but just a touch of half and half.

Or maybe I prefer simplicity in my life now. I’m not sure. Maybe I’m exactly what some reading this are thinking – He’s strange.

I’ve cut my time back on social media to only a few calculated minutes here and there, trying to escape the noise, returning to a more straightforward method of just blogging my thoughts.

Simplicity, I think, might be my word for the year, which is weird to say because I’ve never considered making a word my word for the year. Yet here I am doing the very thing I’ve mocked or thought to be stupid in the past.

One thing is for sure. I’ve hit a level of productivity and production I haven’t seen in a year, and a lot of it has to do with cutting out the toxic, the chaos, and the noise that endlessly surrounds us.

Simplicity- it isn’t easy to achieve but necessary to endure.

Maybe some people are right. Perhaps I am just a little strange after all.

Maybe, That’s okay

What is a Song or Poem that Speaks to You?

#Bloganuary 25 2023 

As a young person, I was never one to be into musicals. I was more into the punk rock and grudge scene in the 90s. So this song, in particular, is shocking for me to add to my list of songs that speak to me.

The song Who Am I? Written by Herbert Kretzmer.

What is a song or poem that speaks to you
Photo by Steve Johnson via Pexel.com

In the story, Valjean is given a chance to live a free life by allowing an innocent man the court believes to be Valjean to go to prison. He reveals himself in court, renewing Javert’s pursuit of him.

This is a song of self-announcement, realization, and actualization. Many of us live a lie and finally have to admit that we are not what we have been saying we are. Do we continue with the lie that hurts us but saves others, or do we reveal our true selves? To live, we must finally reveal our true selves as God created us. We are all 24601.


He thought that man was me
Without a second glance!
That stranger he has found
This man could be my chance!

Why should I save his hide?
Why should I right this wrong
When I have come so far
And struggled for so long?

If I speak, I am condemned.
If I stay silent, I am damned!

I am the master of hundreds of workers.
They all look to me.
How can I abandon them?
How would they live
If I am not free?

If I speak, they are condemned.
If I stay silent, I am damned!

Who am I?
Can I condemn this man to slavery
Pretend I do not feel his agony
This innocent who wears my face
Who goes to judgement in my place
Who am I?
Can I conceal myself for evermore?
Pretend I’m not the man I was before?
And must my name until I die
Be no more than an alibi?
Must I lie?
How can I ever face my fellow men?
How can I ever face myself again?
My soul belongs to God, I know
I made that bargain long ago
He gave me hope when hope was gone
He gave me strength to journey on

[He appears in front of the court]

Who am I? Who am I?
I’m Jean Valjean!

[He unbuttons his shirt to reveal the number tattooed to his chest]

And so Javert, you see it’s true
This man bears no more guilt than you!
Who am I?

Geeky Dads Talk About Geeky Things

Geeky Dads Talk About Geeky Things Season Two
Episode 1 – 11

We’ll be launching season two of the podcast on Feb 7th. It will still be the same raw, low-production format as it’s been. I’m excited to have some old and new friends joining us to chat about geeky stuff. Just a few dads and a few honorary geeky moms sitting around geeking out a bit.

Below is a list of the first 11 episodes. Please note: This isn’t the order they will be released. I hope you’ll tune in and join us each week.

Jason Joyner will join me as we chat about our Top 5 MCU Films. I’ve just finished a rewatch of all the movies up through Endgame with my kids, so many of these films were fresh on my mind.

Andrew Swearingen and I continue our discussion of 80’s films by launching into our Top 5 Movies from 1984

Amanda Trumpower will be coming on the show to talk about graphic novels for kids and her upcoming Middle-Grade release, Power Pup.

Ashley Johnson (My wife) will join me from our Kitchen table as we both Geek out about the Netflix show Wednesday.

Kerry Nietz and I will chat about Genre Mashups, including his series Amish Vampires, Zombies, and Werewolves in space. We’ll dive into some great films that have done this well.

Josh Smith and I did an episode in season one on our top five video games. Skyrim was a game on his list I had not played, but I decided to give it a shot. So we’ll dive into some of our favorite quests during this discussion.

Becky Dean is a close writing buddy, and she has a brand new Science Fiction series releasing this year. So she and I will dive into space pirates and her series.

Andrew Swearingen approached me about doing an episode centered around Crazy Fan Theories that make sense. How could I say no to this one?

Ted Atchley, my partner when it comes to all things Star Wars, returns to chat it up about Bad Batch season 2.

Randy Streu is a great friend and a voice narrator. If you’re looking for podcast, ads copy to be read, or an audio narrator, I can’t help but recommend him. He and I will chat about all things Zombies. A genre that I love.

And finally- My favorite episode of the year will be my oldest son, Miles (aka Hobbit 1). He will be joining me to talk about Godzilla.

I’ve already started lining guests up for April, May, and June. I’m super excited about all the different guests and topics we’ll explore over the next several months.

PS: If you have a topic for the show you think we should chat about, or if you would like to come on. Let me know. Geekydadsgeekythings@gmail.com