Simple Coffee

Some days I wonder if I’m getting old. I once enjoyed my coffee, all fixed up with different types of foam, syrup, and creamers. You know, the ones with those fancy names made by baristas I’m not cool enough to run in circles with. These days I much prefer a simple coffee, one that feels a little less chaotic.

Simple Coffee

I’ve discovered it has a much better and more refined taste when dumbed down. Even my coffee mugs seem simple. I now prefer an old plain diner mug to the one loaded with words and crazy graphics.

Maybe I’m getting boring.

Maybe I’m just a little reminiscent or enjoy specific memories. Like those of my grandmother sitting at a kitchen table with her Bible opened and a mug of coffee, adding nothing but just a touch of half and half.

Or maybe I prefer simplicity in my life now. I’m not sure. Maybe I’m exactly what some reading this are thinking – He’s strange.

I’ve cut my time back on social media to only a few calculated minutes here and there, trying to escape the noise, returning to a more straightforward method of just blogging my thoughts.

Simplicity, I think, might be my word for the year, which is weird to say because I’ve never considered making a word my word for the year. Yet here I am doing the very thing I’ve mocked or thought to be stupid in the past.

One thing is for sure. I’ve hit a level of productivity and production I haven’t seen in a year, and a lot of it has to do with cutting out the toxic, the chaos, and the noise that endlessly surrounds us.

Simplicity- it isn’t easy to achieve but necessary to endure.

Maybe some people are right. Perhaps I am just a little strange after all.

Maybe, That’s okay

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Simple Coffee

  1. Ah, this is a nice post. I too enjoy my coffee without adding a shot of social media noise. After going back to the contemplation of blogs, social media just feels like hanging out at a nightclub all day and all night. The music is too loud, the lights are too bright, and everyone is shouting and drunk.