Don’t Feed the Trolls

Writing at times is like navigating a jungle full of keyboard warriors. You guessed it! We’re talking about Trolls. You know the ones. They’re like the colorful parrots squawking in the trees singing trying to gain attention.

Here is some facts about trolls. First they come in different shapes, and with different tactics. Sometimes they try to seem like they’re being nice and helpful, but in reality they’re belittling and condescending. Their words sting often. Other times they don’t even try to hide who they are. They want you to get upset, and that’s their goal. To knock you off your game.

Here are four quick points I want to make about trolls.

  1. Trolls gotta troll, it’s their cardio workout! It’s all they got. Trolling is what they live for.
  2. They try often to disguise themselves as Critics? Sometimes you’ll discover they’re artists too—in the fine art of NOT creating anything.
  3. They live in a virtual treehouse, attended to only by other trolls, cranking up their own echo.
  4. You, the dashing adventurer, get paid in gold coins to simply walk past them, ears plugged.

Remember, “Can’t please everyone” isn’t just some dusty saying in grandma’s cross-stitch. It’s the secret recipe to being the Indiana Jones of your field!

So write for that small niche audience and ignore the rest.

Forgiveness- It’s a Bit Tricky

I’ve been thinking a lot about forgiveness this morning. There are many people I need to forgive: Like church leaders that severely hurt my wife and her sister or those in my past that have wronged me. Maybe it’s forgiveness towards those who ignored me when I needed help. Perhaps I need to ask for forgiveness from someone. Who have I wronged?

Forgiveness is a tricky thing. Because when it’s all said and done, forgiveness is never for the one you are forgiving.

It’s for you… And that’s why it’s hard. Because forgiveness doesn’t always make sense.

How Not To Suck

There are a lot of areas in my life where my skills are somewhat subpar- Like Cooking, weeding the yard, hunting, and even organizing the house. Let’s face it: nobody wakes up and aspires to be bad at something. But we’ve all been there. But here is a secret. If you’re going to do something you’re not skilled at the best, you might as well aim for zero… or at least something better than bad. Because, after all, the second-best thing to zero is, you guessed it, something better than bad!

If you’ve ever burned toast so thoroughly that it resembled a charcoal sketch or danced like no one was watching (because they all left the room), then congratulations, you’re on the right track to not sucking!

You don’t have to be great; you just have to be better than bad. Celebrate those small victories! Because if we’re honest, it’s during those times when growth and improvement happen.

Reflecting on a Chaotic Summer: Triumphs, Challenges, and Healing

As the summer draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind of events that have shaped these past few months. It’s been a chaotic and busy summer, and unfortunately, my blogging took a backseat amidst the flurry of activities. Nevertheless, I want to take this moment to share some significant highlights and experiences that have profoundly impacted my life.

Embracing Change and Healing

One of the major milestones of this summer was transitioning to a new church after my wife’s remarkable decision to resign from her 15-year stint serving on staff at our previous church. Her courage to step away from an environment that had subjected her to toxic, emotional, and spiritual abuse was both empowering and liberating. Sure our finances took a hit, but it was the right choice. As we embarked on this new chapter together we began attending a new church and despite not knowing many people, we decided to step out of our comfort zone and serve at our Vacation Bible School (VBS). I took on the role of games coordinator, she did snacks! Witnessing our mutual commitment to serving our community brought us immense joy. While I won’t delve deeply into the details of our previous church’s experience right now, it’s essential to acknowledge that we are both on a path of healing, growth, and renewed faith. Though there are still some wounds to tend to, we’re gradually finding solace in each other’s love and support.

Triumph in Publishing – Iggy & Oz Series

Another remarkable achievement this summer was the successful Kickstarter campaign for the fourth book in the Iggy & Oz series. With great pride and gratitude, we were able to not only meet our funding goal but also surpassed it by 200%. The overwhelming support from our readers and fans made this experience truly heartwarming. The Iggy & Oz series has become a passion project close to my heart, and witnessing its continued success brings immense fulfillment.

A Journey of Struggle and Success – Realm Makers Writers Conference

Amidst the busy schedule, I made it a point to attend the esteemed Realm Makers writers conference. This year held special significance for me as my book, “Iggy & Oz: The Living Snot,” was honored with the award for the best middle-grade book. This recognition was particularly meaningful as this book was written during a time when I was battling severe anxiety. The writing process served as a cathartic outlet, and the award felt like a well-deserved acknowledgment of the challenges I had overcome.

Collaborative Creativity – “Interstice Undone”

Currently, I’m engaged in an exciting cowriting project with fellow authors Steve Rzasa and Jason Joyner. Together, we are crafting an epic crossover story that features all our beloved characters. Titled “Interstice Undone,” this collaborative effort is a testament to the power of unity and creativity. Working alongside these talented authors has been an inspiring journey, and we can’t wait to share the final result with our readers.

As I look back on this chaotic and eventful summer, I’m filled with a mix of emotions – from the joy of triumphs to the somber reflections of healing. Through it all, I’m grateful for the love and support of my wife, the encouragement of my readers, and the camaraderie of fellow writers. These experiences have strengthened my faith, fueled my creativity, and reminded me that even amidst chaos, there are moments of triumph and healing worth cherishing. I look forward to the days ahead, where I can continue sharing my journey and stories with all of you. Until then, thank you for being a part of this rollercoaster summer.

Mondays Stink!!!

Ah, Mondays. The day of the week that nobody looks forward to. The day when the weekend is over and the workweek begins. The day when coffee is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Yes, Mondays stink. And if you’re anything like me, you probably feel like you need an IV drip of coffee just to get through the day- To quote Lorelai Gilmore.

happy coffee
Photo by Kaboompics .com on

But why do Mondays have to be so terrible? Maybe it’s because we’ve spent the last two days living it up, and now we’re paying the price. Or maybe it’s because Mondays are just inherently cursed. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Mondays are the worst.

For starters, getting out of bed on a Monday morning is an uphill battle. You’re groggy, disoriented, and you’ve probably hit the snooze button on your alarm at least five times. And when you finally do manage to drag yourself out of bed, you’re hit with the realization that you have an entire week of work ahead of you. Ugh.

Then there’s the commute. Whether you’re driving or taking public transportation, Mondays always seem to bring out the worst in people. Drivers are more aggressive, commuters are more irritable, and everyone seems to be in a rush to get to their jobs. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll spend the entire commute fantasizing about all the different ways you could quit your job and become a professional trout bum.

But let’s not forget about the actual work. Mondays are usually filled with meetings, emails, and catching up on everything you missed over the weekend. And even if you managed to get some work done over the weekend, it’s never enough. You’re always playing catch-up on Mondays, and it feels like you’re constantly behind.

And then there’s the coffee. Oh, the coffee. Without it, Mondays would be even more unbearable. But even with it, Mondays still suck. You’re constantly refilling your mug, trying to stay awake and alert, and praying that the caffeine kicks in soon. And if you’re really desperate, you might start fantasizing about that Gilmore IV drip of coffee we mentioned earlier.

But hey, it’s not all bad. Mondays can be a great excuse to procrastinate. You know you should be working, but instead, you’re scrolling through social media, watching funny cat videos, and reading blogs about how much Mondays suck. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find some inspiration for your next meme or TikTok video.

And let’s not forget about the silver lining. Once you make it through Monday, the rest of the week will be a breeze. Well, maybe not a breeze, but at least it won’t be Monday. (Unless you’re like I was like week and have a week of Mondays.) And before you know it, the weekend will be here again, and you’ll have two whole days to do absolutely nothing.

So there you have it. Mondays suck, but they don’t have to be the end of the world. Embrace the coffee, procrastinate a little (or a lot), and remember that the rest of the week is just around the corner. And who knows, maybe someday we’ll all have access to that IV drip of coffee we’ve been dreaming of. Until then, let’s just try to survive Mondays one week at a time.