Embracing Weakness

Weaknesses. We all have them. They’re like shadows—always there but often ignored. And in a world obsessed with strengths, highlighting our weak spots feels counterintuitive. But here’s the twist: recognizing your weaknesses doesn’t have to be an invitation to stress or a nod to insecurity. It can be liberating.

The moment you understand a weakness, you seize control. You’re no longer in the dark, subject to some unseen force pulling your strings. Knowing is half the battle, right? The challenge is to not let this awareness spiral into a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom.

Don’t look at a weakness as a final verdict on your character or capability. It’s just a data point, a guidepost signaling where you might need a bit more focus, more effort, or maybe even an ally to complement you.

Weaknesses aren’t fixed landmarks; they’re shifting sands. Today’s weakness could be tomorrow’s strength, given enough attention and the right circumstances. In the meantime, work with them, not against them. Shape them into challenges, puzzles to solve, opportunities for growth.

Stop wrestling with your weaknesses to fit into some societal mold of perfection. Accept them. Learn from them. Pivot when you must. But whatever you do, don’t let them dictate your worth or consume you with stress. They’re just pieces of a much larger, complex, and continually evolving puzzle that is you. And puzzles are meant to be solved, not feared.

The Art of Mindful Listening

There was a moment in my life when I realized the extraordinary power of simply stopping and noticing. It was as if a hidden switch had been flipped, illuminating sounds I had been oblivious to. These sounds, though always there, had been overshadowed by the constant noise in my mind.

photo of ocean during golden hour
Photo by Nicole Avagliano on Pexels.com

Our daily lives have become an endless battle against stillness and presence. We find ourselves separated from the tranquility we need, consumed by the digital world and our own repetitive thoughts. Whether it’s scrolling through social media, checking emails, or automatically reaching for headphones when we walk, we rarely give ourselves a moment of silence.

I’m not talking about the new-age hipster type of meditation. I’m talking about actually shutting off the noise and listening.

The idea of breaking free from this cycle might seem daunting, but the solution can be surprisingly simple: listening.

Taking the time to intentionally listen opens a gateway to a world filled with beauty, and a reality that’s always evolving. This isn’t just a theoretical concept – it’s something you can try right now.

Why not gift yourself a 30-second pause? Wherever and whenever you’re reading this, take a brief moment to listen. Hear the sounds around you and let yourself be present in the moment.

By engaging in mindful listening, we reconnect with the world and ourselves, uncovering the beauty that is always there but often hidden by the chaos of our thoughts. Try it, and embrace the calm and connection that await you.

One Way I Have Fought Anxiety

For years, I’ve wrestled with anxiety, a battle that often seemed endless and overwhelming. But in this fight, I’ve come to realize that one of the most potent weapons against the negative thoughts triggering my anxiety is my own mind.

I’m not talking about the “power of positive thinking,” some self-help mantra that can feel empty and cultish. No, I’m referring to a profound truth found in Proverbs 23:7, “As he thinketh in his heart, so he is.”

Our minds dictate our actions. Our thoughts form our reality. If we continually dwell on fear and worry, those feelings can consume us. But when we take control of our thoughts and align them with wisdom and understanding found in scripture, constantly diving deep in the word, continually repenting and growing in our relationship with Christ, we can reshape our perspective and our actions.

This insight has helped me take charge of my anxiety. It’s not a quick fix. You may find medication is needed for you, and that’s okay. Because the struggles don’t vanish overnight. However, it’s a real, grounded way to approach life.

We have the power to choose our thoughts, and in turn, those thoughts shape who we are. Understanding this has been a crucial step in my journey. But those thoughts have been shaped by diving into scripture.

Don’t Feed the Trolls

Writing at times is like navigating a jungle full of keyboard warriors. You guessed it! We’re talking about Trolls. You know the ones. They’re like the colorful parrots squawking in the trees singing trying to gain attention.

Here is some facts about trolls. First they come in different shapes, and with different tactics. Sometimes they try to seem like they’re being nice and helpful, but in reality they’re belittling and condescending. Their words sting often. Other times they don’t even try to hide who they are. They want you to get upset, and that’s their goal. To knock you off your game.

Here are four quick points I want to make about trolls.

  1. Trolls gotta troll, it’s their cardio workout! It’s all they got. Trolling is what they live for.
  2. They try often to disguise themselves as Critics? Sometimes you’ll discover they’re artists too—in the fine art of NOT creating anything.
  3. They live in a virtual treehouse, attended to only by other trolls, cranking up their own echo.
  4. You, the dashing adventurer, get paid in gold coins to simply walk past them, ears plugged.

Remember, “Can’t please everyone” isn’t just some dusty saying in grandma’s cross-stitch. It’s the secret recipe to being the Indiana Jones of your field!

So write for that small niche audience and ignore the rest.

Fears and Dreams

“What if people hate it?” That’s a question many of us ask every day. What if our ideas, opinions, our views, and art get rejected by others? That’s life. Because in this crazy dance of life, every significant step we take, sooner or later, is rooted in two fundamental forces.

Fear: It takes many shapes – the dread of embarrassment, the sting of rejection, the ache of loneliness, the shadow of death. These fears linger in the back of our minds, haunting our choices, shaping our paths, and often holding us back from embracing the fullness of life.

Dreams: These are the lights that guide us, the aspirations that fuel us. We dream of recognition, independence, conquering our anxieties, and becoming something more than ourselves. We long for acceptance, to be seen as unique, to matter to someone, to be cared for and loved.

Between these fears and dreams, our lives unfold. They are the compass and map, the obstacles and the goals. It’s a delicate balance, a continuous struggle, and a journey we must navigate. Our dreams drive us, yet often held back by our fears. But in understanding both, we find our way, we make choices, we take actions, and we shape our destiny.