The Daily Question # 1: Stormtrooper in Star Wars or a Red Shirt…?

Would you rather be a Stormtrooper in Star Wars or a Red Shirt in Star Trek…?

star wars ceramic mug on table
Photo by Ruslan Alekso on

This is a tough one to answer. A Stormtrooper rarely hits their target (according to some), but a Red Shirt always seems to die. However, Red Shirts aren’t known for missing shots, just getting killed all the time.

Yet, as a Stormtrooper I’m serving a corrupt, fascist empire. As a Red Shirt I’m serving a democratic Federation. Yet logic would tell me to choose Stormtrooper and quickly defect as the survival rate might be higher. But then I would most likely live life on the run.

My answer would be: Redshirt. I would probably be able to borrow or steal someone’s colored shirt that is different, and possibly survive, or avoid the away mission all together.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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One thought on “The Daily Question # 1: Stormtrooper in Star Wars or a Red Shirt…?

  1. I’d have to go with red shirt as well. While the chances of death on an away mission are high, it is not guaranteed. And I’d rather spend what time I have exploring strange new worlds than serving Palpatine and his evil empire.