The Daily Question #2: Power Ranger or Ninja Turtle?

Would you rather be a part of the Power Rangers or Ninja Turtles?


I have to go with Ninja Turtles! I grew up a huge fan of the show. While the Power Rangers are cool- it’s a situation of what my childhood embraced more of.

I Dont have a stronger reasoning other than that!

The Daily Question # 1: Stormtrooper in Star Wars or a Red Shirt…?

Would you rather be a Stormtrooper in Star Wars or a Red Shirt in Star Trek…?

star wars ceramic mug on table
Photo by Ruslan Alekso on

This is a tough one to answer. A Stormtrooper rarely hits their target (according to some), but a Red Shirt always seems to die. However, Red Shirts aren’t known for missing shots, just getting killed all the time.

Yet, as a Stormtrooper I’m serving a corrupt, fascist empire. As a Red Shirt I’m serving a democratic Federation. Yet logic would tell me to choose Stormtrooper and quickly defect as the survival rate might be higher. But then I would most likely live life on the run.

My answer would be: Redshirt. I would probably be able to borrow or steal someone’s colored shirt that is different, and possibly survive, or avoid the away mission all together.