Soul on Paper

Writing is baring the soul, painting with words. Write freely, and discover yourself on the page.

I have that quote from a conference pinned on my wall. I don’t even remember who said it.

But this week, the writing has been hard. My anxiety has pushed back. My attention has been distracted. And my interruptions have been many.

Still, like all writers, I sit and type.

My 15th Reading of Fahrenheit 451

The first dystopian novel I remember ever reading was at the age of 13 when on a snow day, I pulled a copy of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 off my father’s shelf. I’ll be honest, I didn’t quite understand it, but the story hooked me—the idea of a world where people burned books instead of reading them? I had never heard of such a thing.

For several years, I’ve made it a yearly tradition this weekend to take a day off to put the phone and world aside and reread it. 

Today I finished my 15th reread, and It’s still just as good as it was the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time. 

Ray Bradbury was a master of imagination and creativity. He was known for crafting unique worlds and weaving complex ideas such as censorship and human nature into engaging stories with his inventive prowess.

Every speculative author should read some Ray Bradbury because his innovative approach to storytelling blends the fantastical and the mundane, offering a unique lens on society that challenges conventional thinking and inspires creativity in character development, theme exploration, and world-building.

If you haven’t read any Bradbury- Go correct that problem now! 

Introducing “Embers of the Dead” – A New Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

I’m excited to share the title of my upcoming novel set to release this fall: “Embers of the Dead.”

My fascination with post-apocalyptic fiction ignited at a young age when I first watched the film “Red Dawn.” It has been my desire to write captivating adventures not only for young boys, but also in the realm of men’s adventure, particularly within the apocalyptic landscape.

After encountering a few false starts over the years and a number of stories that fizzled out, I’m delighted to say that “Embers of the Dead” has made it through the creative journey and is now complete.

To bring this exciting story to life, I have a special treat planned. For the first month, “Embers of the Dead” will be exclusively available as a free serial on my website. This way, you can dive into the tale without any barriers. Following that, the novel will be available as an ebook and paperback on all platforms.

In the coming months I’ll share more details and sneak peeks about “Embers of the Dead.”

Steve Rzasa: Remains!

Steve Rzasa is releasing “Remains” and has the book up for pre-order. This story is a prequel to Steve’s Mercury Hale universe and is marketed as: “From Procyon’s Historic Vault.” I’m excited about this one.

I’m partial to the Mercury books because Steve and I have crossed over characters in our work and because Mercury is just a fun, energetic, kick-butt type of character. Plus, if you know Steve the way I do, it’s safe to say there is a little bit of Steve in Mercury.

You can pre-order the book for $1.99 right here! PREORDER REMAINS

Steve Rzasa Remains