5 Things Dads Should Never Teach Their Kids to Do

5 things dads should never teach their kids to do. Okay, I’m sure there are way more than five. Every wife probably has a secret list of habits or quirks they hope their children never pick up from their father. It’s likely a hopeless endeavor. 

Since I have two young Hobbits (ages 10 and 8), I decided to put together my list of strange behaviors I should not teach my kids.  

1. Leave Stinky Socks and Underwear on the Bathroom Floor

Have you ever smelled a sweaty child’s feet? There is nothing worst than that smell. Okay, maybe vomit, but sweaty kid’s feet are up there. I would take a pasture full of cow manure over sweaty kid’s feet. It was on my list of things I couldn’t stand last week. 

I grew up in locker rooms. So I’m fully aware of the grotesque smell that most high school boys endure after a grueling practice. But with the smell of sweaty socks and underwear, there is something different. 

When you pick it up, the smell transfers to your hands. A whole bottle of hand soap later, you still have a lingering odor on your fingertips. 

As a single guy, I’d leave a collection of socks and underwear on the bath mat. Every day when I hopped in the shower, it would sit there. Often it would stay there until laundry day came around. If the pile got too big, you kicked it to the side. 

I can only imagine my wife’s shock when she learned this about me. I will admit, though, that I have broken the habit. What can I say? After 19 years, I’ve been fully domesticated.  

Yet, I’ve noticed this same habit developing in my kids. This concerns me as they slowly begin to move into teenagers. 

2. Try to Outsmart the GPS

Okay, my wife will tell you that this is still a weakness of mine. I’ll admit it most likely is. I have a terrible habit of thinking I know the quicker route. I’m the king of the backroads. Typically when we’re about a half-an-hour late or wind up stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I’ll quietly confess my wife and the GPS were right. 

3. Leave a Display of Toenail Clippings on the Coffee Table

Now, full disclaimer. I don’t do this. But man, my Dad did. Sorry, Dad. It’s true. It never failed, we would be in the living room watching some old black-and-white science-fiction movie, and Dad would sit there and clip his toenails. And, oh yeah, my Dad’s feet were anything but properly pedicured. So the toenails Dad left out were those narely, twisted-looking ones. He’d leave them in a pile on the coffee table for the world to see like some proud trophy. Yep, disgusting. I hope my kids never earn this trait. 

4. Fart in Public

We’ve all been there. Usually, it’s after some big meal that’s left us bloated and tired. It just slips out. We try to be stealthy about it. We glance around and quietly let it squeeze out as we recall all our kegel exercises. But one of two things happens. Either the deathly stench begins to choke everyone around, or there is a slight tremor and what we thought was silent is loud enough to shake the walls. And if your in an elevator with females, you’re just toast. Passing gas in public is a big no, no. 

5. Put Clean Dishes Away in Random Places  

Do you want to know how to annoy your spouse or teach your kids how to do the same? Especially boys. Here it is. How many times have I gone through kitchen orientation? To many. Listen, if our house is unorganized, it’s most likely because I put things away. I tend to toss stuff in a spot that looks free and out of the way, only to forget where I placed it later.

You might as well be looking for the Ark of the Covenant if you’re looking for something specific after I’ve put the dishes away. I will admit I get the main items right. It’s usually the small odd and end things I mess up. 

Of course, I’m all joking (Maybe). But in all honesty, there are several things we could add to this list. These are only 5 things dads should never teach their kids to do. What else could one add to such a list

What say you? 

A Hike Through the Woods

A hike through the woods is exactly what I needed yesterday. It wasn’t a long hike, maybe about a mile, but for just a moment, I felt the quiet, which was something I needed. 

A hike through the woods

One thing my wife and I have been trying to be proactive and more intentional about is how much time the boys spend on their tablets. We’ve practically cut them back to one hour a day. I’ll be honest; it’s not quite that easy. When I think about my screen time, I see the same addiction. One thing I’m going to try (I stress try because life has a way of interrupting things) is to get the kids outdoors this year—fishing, hiking, and maybe even camping. 

It’s tough for me to slow down. But after spending a year battling anxiety, I’ve learned that stress can affect me in more negative ways than I once expected. 

Yesterday we hit the trail near Lake Arcadia in Edmond, Oklahoma. It’s not a long trail, maybe about a mile, but it cuts through the woods and along some rocky ledges. We thought we were in trouble the entire hike. There was a barricade up and a sign that said CLOSED. But we proceeded anyway. 

What can I say? I’m raising rebellious kids. In all fairness, a worker was standing next to the truck who waved his hand as if it was okay. But I don’t think he spoke English and probably didn’t know what I asked. And if he did, I probably misunderstood. So maybe we are a little rebellious. 

I don’t make whole New Year’s resolutions or goals, but if I did, this is one of them. Get outside and off the screens more. Go on a hike through the woods.

What about you? Are you making plans to get outside more and off the screens?


10 Things to Teach My Boys

Sometimes I wake up, look at the world we live in, and sort of shake my head. I often wonder if our parents did the same at our age. I’m disappointed in the world my children are having to grown up in. It doesn’t seem quite fair. How do I teach my boys to become men? Especially in this world.

Yet as a father it is my job to prepare them for the insanity that they will face… I fail at this often. The problem is- There is a lot to teach them. But on top of that, how do I teach them to become good, respected, Godly men?


When I was young my dad taught me a few lessons. Not the type of lessons where you sit down, have a chat, read a text book type. They were lessons on life I picked up on by just watching him.

My father was a blue collar man. That’s the type of life I like, and the type of men I respect. Men that get up and go to work and never complain out loud.

The lessons I learned by watching my father were lessons like:

  • Sacrifice for your family
  • Work hard to ensure they have clothes, a roof, and food.
  • There is beauty in sitting alone in the silence of a deer stand or on a fishing dock all alone.
Tweet: The most important lesson of all I learned from my father- Duck tape can fix nearly anything. #Parenting #RaisingBoys

We’ve all seen that meme floating around on facebook lately: Lessons to teach your son. There is some practical advice on that list. But it got me thinking about some of the things I wanted to teach my boys.

I believe there is an added bonus on thinking through such things. I think it makes us better parents. A proactive parenting life is much better than a reactive parenting life.

The issue I face is there are so many life lessons I need to teach them, but these are just a few. Perhaps over the coming weeks I can think of other list on the lessons of life I hope to teach my children.


1- Never type out a comment, email, or social media post in anger. Take time to think things through before responding.

2- Make sure the people you respect have standards you would be proud to teach your own children.

3- Try and not let your differences have a negative affect on your friendships.

4- Listen to others who have a different opinion and don’t simply dismiss their views. Think about them.

5- Be humble enough to learn your weaknesses, and then seek advice and ways to improve yourself in those areas

6- Adventure is sometimes more memorable than making plans. Don’t be afraid to go on one. Especially the spontaneous ones… 

7- Failure is a part of life. Never let it be the thing that makes you quit

8- Apply yourself 110% to the work you do

9- Never be ashamed of what you believe and of your faith

10- Don’t be a douchebag to people. Protect those that are weak and stand in the way of those who are bullies

As I said. These are only a handful of the lessons I hope to teach my boys as they grow.

I want to also teach them about adventure, dating, work, disappointments, being Biblical… The list could go on and on. Maybe now that I’m approaching mid forty the idea of finding the most important lessons is becoming more important.

What are some solid lessons you would like to share with your kiddos….?

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Old Castle!!! Oklahoma Mystery 

Sometimes in life you need to let you geek side take over and explore an Old Castle.

I’ve always wanted to drive down to the Arbuckle Mountains in Central Oklahoma for a hike to explore the Old Collings Castle. Having lived in Oklahoma for all my life I couldn’t believe I hadn’t ever done this. And although the hike itself wasn’t long (lots of heat) we did spend a significant time climbing the steps of this old relic from the depression.

Collings Castle was built in the late 30’s. Doctor Collings was a professor at the University of Oklahoma and had a desire to build a summer home right along Honey Creek near the falls. I’ve read up on it a bit over the years. Lots of evenings were spent here during the 40’s with dinner parties and Mr. Collings entertaining his guest.

Overtime as his estate sold it off (what were they thinking) the Castle has detroiated. A lack of proper upkeep has excluded it to nothing more than a Oklahoma Mystery, overtaken with vines and trees, leaving isolated and standing as a place of imagination and exploration for childlike minds.

(My wife’s Sister and my brother in love)

(Turner Falls large Waterfall)

(Very Skinny and Spiraly Staircase)

A Geek Father’s Tip: Retro Games

I was born in 77- So I came into gaming on the tail end of Atari- In fact the 3rd version of Atari was the system I started playing on when I was six. But following the great Video Game Crash of 1983 (Yes- It happened) the N.E.S was released and gaming forever changed.


Some of my best memories growing up were of my friends and I staying up all night just to beat Mario Brothers, Contra, Kung Fu, and Zelda.

So it’s natural that I would want to introduce my kids to a bit of my childhood. And now- Starting this week- The NES is being re-released.

Here are some of my favorite games growing up. All these are from the NES system. I did enjoy the later systems as well. However, there is something special about those original games- The ones that captured the magic of my childhood that can’t be replaced.


Paper Boy

Bubble Bobble

Duck Hunt


Super Mario Brothers

Super Mario Brothers 2

Super Mario Brothers 3



Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

Tecmo Bowl


Double Dragon

What were some of your favorite games…?