“Compulsion” & “My Friend Louie” Now in Print

My two Novella’s “Compulsion” & “My Friend Louie” are now both available in print!

I enjoyed working on both of these stories. Compulsion was birthed out of the question I wanted to explore: Is there a limit to God’s forgiveness, and is there a line we as people will not cross to forgive someone…?

My friend Louie I wanted to explore the psychological issues of a young boy dealing with his parents divorce, as well as surviving a bully. Both of these issues are personal to me- And I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me in both Michael and Louie.

Many have had asked me: Is Louie Real…? Is he in fact, a possessed baseball bat…? Or is he just the product of a psychological damaged teen…? I’ll let you the reader decide.

These books were some of my first attempts at publishing- For my errors and early weaknesses in the craft, I do apologize. I am fully aware of passive voice issues, telling verse showing (Although in My Friend Louie that is an intentional device) and countless other shortcomings.

However, I enjoy the stories and more than anything- I hope you do as well.

You can get both by clicking on the link below:

And Compulsion includes two bonus short stories in the back.



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