Confessing Your Monsters

Have you ever confronted the monster you don’t want to face…?

I have- I’ve fought so many. From failing out of high school to getting into college- to climbing the corporate ladder- Life has presented challenges. But the biggest challenge – The biggest monster- Is the one that whispers lies in my ear telling me I’m not good enough- I should just quit.

That’s my biggest weakness: quitting before I even start. I have so many first chapters of books that I started- Only to sit them to the side and say “That’s not going to be any good.”

For someone who has accomplished much- I struggle with confidence. I’m afraid to fail- And that fear paralyzes me to the point that I fail because I refuse to begin.

What monsters do you face, and do you have a plan to confront them…?

The Quiet

The Quiet: Have you practiced it lately? As creative we are naturally drawn to live in the shadows due to our introverted nature. But life doesn’t quite give us the solitude we need.

From the demands of day to day activities, trying to be a good parent, a good spouse, keeping up with social media, building platforms, cramming for a deadline, reviewing books, etc- We lose sight of the one thing we need from time to time- Silence.

Have you tried it lately? Find 24 minutes if you can- Read your Bible- Journal- Sit in silence and pray.

24 Min is only 1% of your day.

Free ebook Copies of My Friend Louie

This week I’m giving away Free ebook copies of My Friend Louie… Just fill out the info below- or anywhere on my page- Hit that gray (hard to see button below) and join my newsletter. I Promise I will respect your privacy. I will not share your email with spammers or time-traveling assassins. You are free to Opt-out at any time.

All I ask in return is you read it and leave a quick review- Even if it’s a simple One Star “I hated this book.” I swear- I have thick skin!!! Anyway- Enjoy!!!

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“Compulsion” & “My Friend Louie” Now in Print

My two Novella’s “Compulsion” & “My Friend Louie” are now both available in print!

I enjoyed working on both of these stories. Compulsion was birthed out of the question I wanted to explore: Is there a limit to God’s forgiveness, and is there a line we as people will not cross to forgive someone…?

My friend Louie I wanted to explore the psychological issues of a young boy dealing with his parents divorce, as well as surviving a bully. Both of these issues are personal to me- And I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me in both Michael and Louie.

Many have had asked me: Is Louie Real…? Is he in fact, a possessed baseball bat…? Or is he just the product of a psychological damaged teen…? I’ll let you the reader decide.

These books were some of my first attempts at publishing- For my errors and early weaknesses in the craft, I do apologize. I am fully aware of passive voice issues, telling verse showing (Although in My Friend Louie that is an intentional device) and countless other shortcomings.

However, I enjoy the stories and more than anything- I hope you do as well.

You can get both by clicking on the link below:

And Compulsion includes two bonus short stories in the back.



Why Do We Fall? – Why I Hate Resolutions

Why I Hate Resolutions!!! I do. Trust me. In fact resolutions drive me nuts. Mainly because I know I’ll fail them before I even start them.

Every year we as Americans sit down with a list of our dreams. We spend hours listing out the ways we’re going to conquer them. We follow countless blogs, post motivational meme’s, and even tell others to hold us accountable.

Then- Somewhere around the 20th January life sets in. Kids get sick, the car breaks down, the dog pees all over the house, or we find ourselves snowed in with nothing but a box of fruity pebbles and an endless amount of Netflix- (I actually think that sounds great!!!!)

We fail all the time. And you know what- it’s Okay. If I hadn’t failed at so many things I may have never taken the path that led me to my wife. Gave me my kids. Introduced me to my friends. The point is- a Goal a goal- It’s not life. And when failure occurs we take a page from Thomas Wayne and we remind ourselves of what we should do when we fall down-

So We can pick ourselves back up!!!

If I have one resolution this year it’s this-Not being afraid to fail!!!

Because if I’m not failing- I’m simply standing still.

Happy New Year everyone.