Why Do We Fall? – Why I Hate Resolutions

Why I Hate Resolutions!!! I do. Trust me. In fact resolutions drive me nuts. Mainly because I know I’ll fail them before I even start them.

Every year we as Americans sit down with a list of our dreams. We spend hours listing out the ways we’re going to conquer them. We follow countless blogs, post motivational meme’s, and even tell others to hold us accountable.

Then- Somewhere around the 20th January life sets in. Kids get sick, the car breaks down, the dog pees all over the house, or we find ourselves snowed in with nothing but a box of fruity pebbles and an endless amount of Netflix- (I actually think that sounds great!!!!)

We fail all the time. And you know what- it’s Okay. If I hadn’t failed at so many things I may have never taken the path that led me to my wife. Gave me my kids. Introduced me to my friends. The point is- a Goal a goal- It’s not life. And when failure occurs we take a page from Thomas Wayne and we remind ourselves of what we should do when we fall down-

So We can pick ourselves back up!!!

If I have one resolution this year it’s this-Not being afraid to fail!!!

Because if I’m not failing- I’m simply standing still.

Happy New Year everyone.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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