Summer Reading

Well summer has come and gone and fall has officially arrived. In Oklahoma the weather is cool and crisp and holding in the mid-eighties. My Yankees will more than likely miss the playoffs, my Sooners are off to a great start, my eleven month old son is in to everything, and congress is still fighting like a bunch of morons… Some things change and some stay the same.

I didn’t do a ton of writing this summer. I decided to let my tank re-fill and spent a lot of time catching up on some reading. It was a wise move on my part, because having a young son- Well the free time just wasn’t all that available. So I figured I would just take today’s post to share with everyone some books I read and enjoyed… Here they are in no particular order.

1.       Wool by Hugh Howey

2.      Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

3.      The Shining by Stephen King (A Reread)

4.      11/22/63 by Stephen King

5.      Iscariot by Tosca Lee

6.      Legion by Brandon Sanderson (A Novella)

7.      The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson (A Novella)

8.     The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker

9.      Courted by a Cowboy by Lacy Williams (A Novella)

10.    NAS4A2 by Joe Hill

I have to say that 11/22/63 was probably my favorite on the list. Being a big Stephen King fan I must say that it is probably the best he has put out in years… Joe Hill’s Heart Shaped Box was probably the creepiest of the lot I read and would highly recommend anything by him…

This fall’s reading list is not quite as large partly because I plan on writing a lot this fall, but if anyone has any good options I’m open to them…

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